Sitting each day in front of a bookshelf with my well-thumbed copy of (a 1970s edition of) The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, this was a joy to read and reflect on. I might suggest that it is the 60th anniversary of the death of the "Irish" writer C S Lewis, but I feel he is more than big enough for all of us to share. Thank you for this, and for your blog, which I hope to continue to enjoy.

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Thank you for reading - and yes, very happy to share Lewis with friends and family across the water!

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I'm sure we can cut a deal! BTW, I found this thru reading your fascinating essay on Alan Watts on Aeon this week. Shame on me for not knowing about him before. (And even more shame on me for not knowing that I actually got that CS Lewis book for Xmas 1969 - I keep on getting older and older ...)

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Glad you liked the Watts piece. I'm never 100% sure what I think of him - he's provocative, at the very least...!

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intriguing, thank you Chris

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